Health & Fitness

31 Things To Know For Your Root Canal

  1. Technology and Continuing Education: A good endodontist should not only be knowledgeable but also up to date on the latest root canal techniques and advancements in technology. Ask your potential endodontist about their continuing education practices, any recent root canal technologies they may have invested in, and what treatment plans they utilize for root canals.


  1. Comfort Level: Finding an endodontist you feel comfortable with is just as important as finding one who is highly skilled at root canals. Make sure you ask questions in order to get a better understanding of their background and experience so that you can determine whether or not they are the right fit for you. Additionally, make sure the atmosphere of their practice is calming and inviting so that you don’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed during root canal procedures.


  1. Quality of Care: Endodontic care is something that should be taken seriously and done with great precision, so make sure to do your research on potential endodontists and read online reviews in order to get an idea of their quality of service. 


  1. Make sure the office utilizes general anesthesia to ensure the root canal is painless before, during and after the procedure. Finally, ask what type of follow-up care a Dallas Endodontist provides once the root canal has been completed. This will help ensure lasting results for your root canal procedure. 


  1. The most important thing is that you take your time and feel confident in your selection of an endodontist. That way, you know you’re getting quality root canal care.  


  1. Root Canal Treatment Can Restore an Infected Tooth. When the root canal procedure is successful by the Endodontist Dallas, it can prevent further infection and reinvigorate the health of your tooth. The root canal will restore the infected tooth to its original healthy state.


  1. Pain May Decrease After a Root Canal Procedure. Some people may feel pain during root canal treatment, but many report that discomfort decreases afterwards due to improved circulation in the area.


  1. It Is Possible to Have Multiple Roots Per Tooth. Depending on the type of tooth, up to four root canals may be present in one single root structure—such as with a molar or premolar that has two roots each for upper and lower teeth. 


  1. Patients May Experience Sensitivity After Treatment. This can be due to a number of factors, including root canal treatment that was too aggressive or a root canal that was improperly restored. If sensitivity continues long after root canal treatment, it’s important to speak with your dentist about possible causes and potential solutions.


  1. Root Canals Are Covered by Most Dental Insurance Plans. In most cases, root canals are covered if you have dental insurance. It’s important to check with your provider for specifics on your coverage before pursuing root canal treatment.


  1. The Success Rate for Root Canal Treatment Is High. According to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), more than 95% of root canal treatments are successful.


  1. Root Canal Treatment Is Easier Than Ever with Modern Technology. The use of digital radiography, 3D imaging and rotary instruments have made root canals faster and more accurate than ever before.


  1. Infected Teeth May Need to Be Restored After a Root Canal Procedure. Your dentist may need to place a crown after root canal treatment in order to ensure that the tooth remains sturdy and properly sealed against infection.


  1. It’s Important for Patients to Take Steps to Avoid Tooth Decay After a Root Canal Procedure. Regular brushing and flossing, regular dental checkups and using a fluoride mouthwash can help prevent further decay or infection.


  1. Root Canal Treatment Is Often Less Expensive Than Tooth Extractions. Replacing a root canal treated tooth with an implant or bridge can be more costly than root canal treatment, so it’s important to consider all your options when faced with the choice of root canals versus extraction.


  1. Endodontists Have Advanced Training in root Canal Treatment. Endodontists are specialized dentists who focus on diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases related to the root canals of teeth. Since they have additional training in root canal procedures, they may be better suited to perform root canals than general dentists in certain cases.


  1. Root Canals Are Usually Necessary When Cavities Go Untreated. If a cavity is not treated in its early stages, it can spread to the root of the tooth, requiring root canal treatment.


  1. Root Canal Treatment Can Take Multiple Appointments to Complete. Depending on the number of root canals present and other factors, root canal treatment may take several visits over the course of weeks or months in order to be completed successfully.


  1. Pain Medication May Be Needed During root Canal Treatment. Some patients may require prescription pain medication during root canal treatment in order to manage discomfort associated with the procedure. Your dentist will discuss your options before beginning treatment.


  1. There Is No Age Limit for root Canal Treatment . While root canals are more common in adults, children can also require root canal treatment in certain cases.


  1. Root Canal Treatment Doesn’t Have to Be Uncomfortable. Advances in root canal technology have made root canals much more comfortable than they used to be and many patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure when performed by an experienced root canal specialist.


  1. It’s Important to Follow Up with Your Dentist After root Canal Treatment . In order to ensure a successful outcome, your dentist will likely want you to follow up with them after root canal treatment is complete. During this visit, your dentist may take x-rays of the treated area or discuss other options for restoring the tooth that was treated.


  1. Root Canals Don’t Have to Take a Long Time. root canal treatment is often completed in one or two visits, depending on the complexity of the root canals and other factors.


  1. Root Canals Generally Shouldn’t Be Performed During Pregnancy. root canals may be performed during pregnancy if absolutely necessary, but it’s generally recommended that pregnant patients wait until after pregnancy to pursue root canal treatment.


  1. Root Canals May Help Prevent Extractions Due to Severe Decay . If a root canal is performed before the decay progresses too far, it may prevent the need for an extraction due to severe decay or infection.


  1. It’s Important to Treat Root Canal Infections As Soon As Possible. root canal infections can cause serious damage to teeth and should be treated as soon as possible in order to prevent further complications.


  1. root Canals Should Be Cared For Like Natural Teeth. root canal treated teeth should be taken care of just like natural teeth and should be brushed, flossed and visited regularly by the dentist.


  1. root Canals May Not Always Be Successful . Despite the best efforts of your root canal specialist, root canals may not always be successful due to a variety of factors including advanced decay or infection, improper technique and more.


  1. Root Canals Are Generally Considered Permanent Solutions . With proper aftercare, root canals are generally considered permanent solutions for root canal infected teeth.


  1. Root Canals May Not Always Be Necessary . In some cases, root canals may not be necessary if the decay or infection is caught early and other treatment options are available. Your dentist will discuss all of your options with you before deciding on a course of treatment.


  1. Root Canals Are Generally Not Painful . Root canals are often associated with discomfort but root canal treatment itself shouldn’t be painful when performed by an experienced root canal specialist.


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